Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Clap your hands, say YEA!!!

Okay, clap your heads, say "Huh?" Another Fantasy Fest photo.

I just wanted to let you all know that I've spoken to a couple of the friends that we would most likely invite, that being the Dyers and Sachiyo and David. The Dyers will be away on the 17th (Rosie is getting married and that date is an engagement party in VA or MD, I forget which) Sach and David, will be around then.

This makes me think that we need to let people know, even though it risks letting the cat out of the bag. Sachiyo said it was lucky that I told her, because they were making plans for February already.

So I guess, even though everyone is really busy right now, we need to firm up details, and invites lists.

As I see it, here's what we know;

Feb. 17th. is the date

Party at either 27 Brookdale Road, or Property Owner's Club House.

I have the list we've compiled so far, but I need to knoww . . .
Who am I missing?

I think I'm leaning toward the Property Owner's plan, and we can make arrangements to go to dinner, then pop into the party instead. Don't want to make it too complicated. And if we eat first, then what do we do about food at the party, you know?

I want to let these folks know, that even if they can't attend, if they wish to send some greeting (video, blog, card whatever!!! You know Ralph Horan will have SOMETHING) that they are welcome to. Let's work on this list, then settle these details in the next day or so, okay?

I'd also like to get the cake at the Midnight Kitchen in Chestnut Hill, the one like our wedding cake. But maybe there is an easier plan, like the Acme. we can try out the Acme cake at Christmas, right Rach?


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So- Who is making the invitations? Or will they be via internet? -R

At 2:22 PM, Blogger (jim) Bo Ba Log said...

Let's see, if we only had dreative people in this family, and a way to print the invitations, we could do it ourselves . . . .

Oh! I guess I can do that. ;-)


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