Friday, November 10, 2006

Ideas for special gifts . . .

How about some gift ideas for the birthday girl. . . not necessarily things we'd buy, but idea that show we think she is really special.

Like a Photo album with photos of special moments and special thoughts ( past and present) from the family. Or maybe even a DVD with photo slide shows, music, videos and such.

I am trying to find voice recording from John lennon that I can edit into a birthday message for her that we could play at the party.

How about your thoughts?


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

How about creating paper face masks of either mom for all the guests to wear or faces of famous people mom likes. We could pass them out at the party.
Or recreating mom's old "Zo" t-shirt as a gift for her.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger (jim) Bo Ba Log said...

I am working on the email notification that Ben and Katie asked about. Apparently, only one email address can be entered, so at Ben's suggestion, I've created a new account which will check for mail every ten minutes, and forward and notifications to each of you.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger (jim) Bo Ba Log said...

This is a test of the non-emergency broadcast system. This is only a test.

Had this been a real emergency you would have been notified via email of this a post to the "She Looks Good At Any Age" blog . . . kind of . . uh . . . like you were about this test. In fact,oh, . . . well it would be exactly like this . . . anyway, this is only a test

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Ben Waldie said...

I got the email, albeit a bit delayed.

Thanks, dude!

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Waldie said...

i got the email too. thanks for setting that up.

i feel so lame. i'm not really contributing much to this blog and can't think of any good ideas for presents right now. i guess my creativity is tapped out. but i like all your ideas. i think the masks of mom would be funny. i wonder if we could use a picture of her and make like mardi gras masks or something simple. i'll keep thinking of other ideas and will share when i have any.


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