from Ginny Bokland Jenison
I wrote something in your blog but I've never done it before and not sure it went through. I love the webpage the kids set up for you. How fantastic. You look fantastic in that bathing suit!!!!! How old were you in that picture? Did Joyce come to the party? I was talking to some friends about ghosts since they have a ghost tour down here in Key West. Do you remember painting the restaurant with the candle going out? I also remember the Vorstopfen (spelling?) pills in Germany. "4 bottles please." Sleeping in the hay loft in Switzerland after reclette cheese on potatoes over the fire. The Greek party at the farm with flowers on our bed in the morning. Blue toilet paper every 6 feet in the field. Staying in the basement of the whore house in Amsterdam and finding out only after we took the boat tour . We were talking to the ladies next door and they were telling us how they weren't working because of the heat wave. They were the whores in the skinniest house in Amsterdam. Pulling our skirts down almost over our hips to get into the Vatican to cover our knees. Ordering a seafood platter in Venice with the fish with heads and eyes and octopus with all 8 legs. The guide through the Greek ruins getting a quickie. The toothpaste smell from laying the tube down on the train shelf. I'm sure you have many memories too. Give me a list and see if we remember different things.Gotta run! But many memories. :) Ginny
Got your blog message. I have such a great husband and such great kids.
I’m not exactly sure how old I was in the bathing suit photo, probably around 40. Yes, Joyce and Dick came to the party — they gave me a cane with a horn, a change purse and a sign that says Caution: Old Fart. Cute. She’ll turn 60 in April, so I’ll get her back. Yes, I do remember painting the restaurant and the lights going out — I KNOW that was ghosts. There were other incidents there too. The whole place gave me the creeps. I don’t remember staying in a whore house in Amsterdam. How could I not remember that? I do remember Paul taking us to the little restaurant in Yugoslavia, and “Owl Barbara.” And the Greek men we met on the Plaka. And Peter and his café. And the Turkish thug who wanted YOU! And the party in Argos with the blue TP and car radio and flowers. And George on the bus from Corinth who could speak English when we thought no one could understand us. And the pills in Germany. And the hay loft and reclette (it was soooo good!). And the seafood platter in Venice — it was goldfish, wasn’t it? I also remember meeting the librarian from Council Rock when I was sitting on the steps in front of some building in Venice. That stupid guide was in Pompeii, where the taxi driver also ripped us off by driving for miles — the ruins were only a block away! Anyway, remember that guide said he’d show us stuff we wouldn’t see any other way. Yeah, right. And yes, I still recall the smell of the train. And how about Muck Mouth in Barcelona? And the ghastly bull-fight! I’d never do that again! Can’t write more now but will send more memories as I have them. Thanks again for your birthday wishes and photos.
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